Coach Danny

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Daniel Cortes-Verdejo


Boys 2014 Assistant Coach


Years Coaching:

1 year


Years Coaching at Grays Harbor FC:

1 year


Coaching Experience: 

Grays Harbor Gulls FC Academy


Playing Experience: 

Falcons FC (Rec)  , Real Pacific Jrs, HHS Varsity 2020-2024


Coaching Licensure: 

USYS Grassroots E License


Playing Accomplishments:

Kick in the Grass Champions 2016
District 7 League Champions 2020
Played 10 years of rec; 2020 won state BU:14. 
Played 4 years in Highschool (only had a varsity team) and gained the captain badge throughout all 4 years.
 2021-2022 Won Coaches award (Coach Daniel being my high school coach)
Made 2nd team 1A Evergreen Sophomore year.


College/University Attended:

Currently enrolled at Grays Harbor College


Favorite Professional Club:



Favorite Player:

Messi and Neymar


Favorite part of Coaching: 

Seeing the development and improvement in each player throughout the season.

